Creating Commands

To create a command you need to make an async function with a Pyrogram decorator in an individual or an already existing file in the TG-UserBot/userbot/plugins/ directory. Pyrogram will load the this manually if you use Pyrogram’s decorators, else they won’t be reloaded on a restart.


The events module already has Filters and on_message decorator imported in it so you can import them from their instead of pyrogram. The commands decorator is used to store a command with it’s function’s handler so it can be used to disable/enable it later via the main commands.

To create function which replies to all your texts with the text you sent. For instance, you say “xyz”, it will reply to your text with “You said xyz!”

from userbot import client

async def echo(event):
    text = "You said __{}__!".format(event.text)
    await event.reply(text)

To create function which edits your “hi” text to a “hello”.

from userbot import client

@client.onMessage(from_users="me" regex="(?i)^hi$)
async def hello(event):
    await event.edit("hello")