How to get started


This will not cover the installation of Python or Git.

Assuming you (already) have Python and Git installed, you can go ahead and follow along.

Cloning the repository

Clone the TG-UserBot repository to your desired location using the git clone command.

$ git clone

Once the cloning has finished, change your directory to the cloned folders directory using the cd command.

$ cd TG-UserBot

Configuration file

Now you need configure the sample_config.ini with your API ID and hash using your preferred text editor, these are mandatory fields. You may leave the rest as they are or change them to your liking. Once done, rename sample_config.ini to config.ini and proceed.

$ nano sample_config.ini
$ mv sample_config.ini config.ini

Installing requirements

The main part has been done, now you only need to install all the requirements with the pip install command, this may take a while to finish. Make sure you execute this command in the cloned directory. If you want to install FFMPEG then have a look at the FAQ’s How to install FFMPEG? answer before proceeding any further.

$ pip3 install --user -r requirements.txt

Running the UserBot

That’s it. You’re all done with the jarring work, you can now run the main UserBot script without any worries. If you encounter any problem, consider reffering to the FAQ’s page or join the support group.

$ python3 -m userbot