Available Modules

All the available modules/smart plugins in the UserBot are listed below

Evaluators and Exececutors

userbot.plugins.evaluators.evaluate(event: telethon.events.newmessage.NewMessage.Event) → None

Evaluate Python expressions in the running script.

{prefix}eval (expression)
Example: {prefix}eval 1+1
userbot.plugins.evaluators.execute(event: telethon.events.newmessage.NewMessage.Event) → None

Execute Python statements in a subprocess.

{prefix}exec (statement)
Example: {prefix}exec import os; os.system(‘clear’)
userbot.plugins.evaluators.killandterminate(event: telethon.events.newmessage.NewMessage.Event) → None

Kill or terminate a running subprocess by replying to the message.

{prefix}kill or {prefix}terminate

userbot.plugins.evaluators.terminal(event: telethon.events.newmessage.NewMessage.Event) → None

Execute terminal commands in a subprocess.

{prefix}term (command)
Example: {prefix}term echo 123

Misc modules

userbot.plugins.misc.bot_mention(event: telethon.events.newmessage.NewMessage.Event) → None

Mention a user in the bot like link with a custom name.

Hi @kandnub[kandboob]

userbot.plugins.misc.deldog(event: telethon.events.newmessage.NewMessage.Event) → None

Paste the content to DelDog.

{prefix}paste in reply to a document or {prefix}paste (text)

userbot.plugins.misc.git_repo(event: telethon.events.newmessage.NewMessage.Event) → None

Get the repo url.


userbot.plugins.misc.removebg_post(API_KEY: str, media: bytes)
userbot.plugins.misc.resolver(event: telethon.events.newmessage.NewMessage.Event) → None

Resolve an invite link or a username.

{prefix}resolve (invite link)

userbot.plugins.misc.rmbg(event: telethon.events.newmessage.NewMessage.Event) → None

Remove the background from an image or sticker.

{prefix}rmbg or {prefix}rmbg (url)


userbot.plugins.reminder.remindme(event: telethon.events.newmessage.NewMessage.Event) → None

Set a reminder (scheduled message) to be sent in n amount of time.

{prefix}remindme (time) (text) or {prefix}remindhere (time) (text)
Example: {prefix}remindme 2h gts


userbot.plugins.sed.ninja(event: telethon.events.newmessage.NewMessage.Event) → None

Deletes our sed messages if regexninja is enabled

userbot.plugins.sed.regex_ninja(event: telethon.events.newmessage.NewMessage.Event) → None

Enable and disable ninja mode for @regexbot

{prefix}regexninja or {prefix}regexninja on or {prefix}regexninja off

userbot.plugins.sed.sed_substitute(event: telethon.events.newmessage.NewMessage.Event) → None

Perfom a GNU like SED substitution of the matched text.

Everything inside the brackets is optional. You can perform case conversions in the substitution as well. The semi-colon is mandatory to perform multiple subs in one go.


userbot.plugins.stickers.delsticker(event: telethon.events.newmessage.NewMessage.Event) → None

Remove a sticker from your existing pack.

{prefix}delsticker in reply to your sticker

userbot.plugins.stickers.getsticker(event: telethon.events.newmessage.NewMessage.Event) → None

Convert a sticker to a png and also send it as a file if specified.

{prefix}getsticker or {prefix}getsticker (file|document)

userbot.plugins.stickers.kang(event: telethon.events.newmessage.NewMessage.Event) → None

Steal (AKA kang) stickers and images to your Sticker packs.

{prefix}kang [pack] [emojis] or {prefix}kang (short)=(title) [emojis]
pack and emojis can be used as arguments as well.
userbot.plugins.stickers.stickerpack(event: telethon.events.newmessage.NewMessage.Event) → None

Get your default kang’s sticker packs or update them.

{prefix}stickerpack or {prefix}stickerpack [args]

Arguments: basic or animated and reset Examples:

{prefix}stickerpack basic=1337pack {prefix}stickerpack animated=auto {prefix}stickerpack reset

WWW (Datacenter, etc.)

userbot.plugins.www.nearestdc(event: telethon.events.newmessage.NewMessage.Event) → None

Get information of your country and data center information.

{prefix} nearestdc

userbot.plugins.www.pingdc(event: telethon.events.newmessage.NewMessage.Event) → None

Ping your or other data center’s IP addresses.

{prefix}pingdc or {prefix}pingdc (1|2|3|4|5)
This might not work if your connection blocks the requests
userbot.plugins.www.speedtest(event: telethon.events.newmessage.NewMessage.Event) → None

Perform a speedtest with the best available server based on ping.

{prefix}speedtest of {prefix}speedtest (bits|bytes)


userbot.plugins.yt_dl.fix_attributes(path, info_dict: dict, round_message: bool = False, supports_streaming: bool = False) → list

Avoid multiple instances of an attribute.


Download videos from YouTube with their url in multiple formats.

{prefix}ytdl link1 link2 link3 [kwargs]

Stream and progress are set to True, while update is at 10% by default. Arguments:

format (The format to convert/download the video in), delete (Whether to delete the local files or not), upload (Whether to upload the downloaded files or not), update (The percentage to update the progress at), stream (Whether to upload the files as streamable or not), progress (Whether to update the progress by edits or not)